Life is a many-colored kaleidoscope. Every moment brings out a different shade, a different experience. Some colors are somber, others vibrant and vivacious. Some give joy, others lead to valuable lessons. They all have value. They all have beauty. So, when I decided to start a blog, I found it very hard to pick just one color of life to paint my blog with. Although, originally, I did think of writing only about food. But then, I have so many other interests too. So many things I want to talk about, to share, to spread the joy of. So, I decided not to limit myself in my writing. That is why I named my blog THIS, THAT, AND MORE and gave myself the liberty to indulge in the expression of all the things I love.
I originally started my blog with my sister - Jyoti. My sister always wanted to stay hidden from the blog. Actually, she gave me the idea to start my blog in the first place. I used to make food and also write about it. And she used to edit it and check for any errors. She was a great inspiration for everyone and my best friend. She has always been there when I need her. But with her gone now, I want to dedicate my blog to her.
My sister, Jyoti, had thalassemia where she needs a blood transfusion every 15-20 days. She was suffering from the illness for almost 45 years. She has been sick many times, but she was a survivor. Doctors always used to praise her for her willpower. She was the bravest and the most brilliant person I have ever known. She was an author, writer, and blogger. She had written 5 amazing books like Lemon Girl, Dreams Sake, You Came lIke hope, #JustRomance, and How to Write Short Stories like a Pro.
She got COVID-19 on April 17 and had suffered a low fever for 20 days. She was getting better, but on May 6, she just left us. My parents did everything they can, but sometimes some things are just out of your control. I have always loved her and supported her in any way I can, and now I'm always going to miss her. May she rest in peace and get a life free of any pain. And dedicating my blog to her is my way to say Thank You for everything she did for me.
On This, That, and More, you'll find delicious Indian recipes, Instant Pot Recipes, cooking tips, reviews of books, movies, TV shows, travel destinations, and more! As this is a Food & Lifestyle blog, recipes will be the most important part of it. But I confess, I'm not a food expert. I just love trying diverse cuisine and experimenting with different recipes, especially Instant Pot recipes. Instant Pot is an amazing machine and I'm totally in love with it.
So, come on, join me on this journey of exploring the varied taste of food and varied shades of life.
But who is this wayfarer inviting you on the exploration of This, That, and More? Well, I am an Indian with my spirit flying all over the world. Happily married and mother of a boy that never ceases to amaze me. Notwithstanding the degrees I acquired as a student, I'm still learning the lessons of life. And I believe no other course I studied has been harder than the course of life. But I am moving on, learning as I go, and enjoying life as it comes. You are welcome to follow me on this journey. It will be a joy to connect.